South Georgia Museum i Grytviken

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Grytviken SIQQ 1ZZ, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Kontakter telefon: +500 28200
Latitude: -54.2801527, Longitude: -36.507582
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Kommentar 5

  • Michael McMahon

    Michael McMahon


    ur a island on a roblox war game

  • Alan Craig

    Alan Craig


    Very good. Had no expectation of something so well conceived in such a far flung location.

  • Mr Nails

    Mr Nails


    Are you guys hiring because I wouldn’t mind disappearing on a island like this living the simple life 👌🏽

  • MrVstudio



    Great respect to people maintaining the history in this most remote part of the world. It must be the most remote museum in the South of the globe.

  • Andrew Negus

    Andrew Negus


    We took advantage of visiting on a Friday which required reserving free tickets for our party (three people). We were able to reserve these tickets online via South Georgia Museum website and they were sent via text message. It was certainly crowded due to others taking advantage of the free admission, although many of the long lines seemed to be for the coat check (we did not use). The quality of the gallery makes up for the lines and crowds. Anyone with an interest in modern art would be impressed by the array of collections. After I had studied a number of pieces in the collection my jaw literally drop every corner I turned. Just amazing. If travelling with children I recommend the children's audio guide - it doesn't feature all the pieces but does a superb job with the ones that are included. My kids (7 & 8) both really got a lot out of listening to the guide and I was free to enjoy the art uninterrupted. Great exhibitions, interesting new shows, easy walking distance from midtown. Spend the whole day there. Good restaurant. COCKTAILS ARE TO DIE FOR!!!!

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