Grytviken Whaling Station i Grytviken

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Grytviken SIQQ 1ZZ, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Kontakter telefon: +500
Latitude: -54.2814747, Longitude: -36.5088223
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Kommentar 5

  • Jepe Mamerow

    Jepe Mamerow


    If you are here you should do an expedition to the strange object obviously fallen from the sky 54°39'44.6"S 36°11'42.5"W :-)

  • Springsteen Recordings

    Springsteen Recordings


    Nice if ur into that kind of thing

  • Bryan Rekowski

    Bryan Rekowski


    You can bring in a whale of any size or breed to have it whaled or re-whaled depending on the cut you like. They also have a smoker and provide 3, 4, and 7 day smoking. The other side is the consolidation where they can melt down the fat and blubber for candles and wax. They have really great fall prices but summer months can be costly.

  • George Furst

    George Furst


    This is the location where one of the great Antarctic Explorers Earnest Shackleton is buried. The story of his climbing over the mountains to this station with two others is one of the great inspirational adventures of all time. This led to his saving the lives of most of his expedition in the early 1900s located on Elephant Island. Without this station the whole expedition would have perished. For this reason alone, this not used now whaling station is worth visiting. I bow down to his grave.

  • Jeff Zoerner

    Jeff Zoerner


    Didn't catch any whales, heartbreakingly. But the opportunity to learn about the Moby Dick era almost made up for it.

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